Thursday, April 19, 2012

Favorite Quilt Blocks and Memories

I can't believe April has come and is almost gone! Thanks to all who commented about their favorite places to shop. It would be great to have directions to all the local shops mentioned. Hmmmm.... maybe I will have to work on that in my "spare" time.  Be sure to check out the video page - there is a new video posted.
I am sure those of you who went to the quilt show in Cincinnati were as amazed as I was with the quilts that were on display. I can't imagine how much time and effort went into those works of art. But most quilts, no matter how elaborate, start with an idea and a block and is created one block at a time. So I thought it would be fun to talk about our favorite quilt blocks.
My favorite quilt block is the double wedding ring. I love it not only because it creates a beautiful quilt, but it holds many wonderful memories for me. Some of my earliest memories are of sitting close beside my grandmother as she cut out all the pieces for a double wedding ring quilt. I would "sort" and stack the pieces for her. Looking back, I am sure she could have done a better job without my "help". She didn't ask me to sort and stack - I just decided it would be fun to help her.  All of her quilts were hand stitched and hand quilted. I would so cherish one of her quilts now, but by the time I fell in love with quilts, they had all been given to other people. So, I just cherish the memories!
Now, what is your favorite quilt block or blocks? Any special memories with them?